Corporate Sustainability

Embedding Sustainability Into Company Operations

June 5, 2024

There is one clear measure that will separate the organizations that will hit their sustainability goals from those that will not - the ability of the Sustainability team, and executive leadership, to embed sustainability into operations. 

No company that is undergoing a sustainable transformation has completely figured out how to do this yet, but many are on the journey. As the Chief Sustainability Officer of LyondellBasell, and one of the architects of the GHG Protocol Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Standard, Andrea Brown Smatlan has insights into the topic that are worth listening to. 

In our conversation with Andrea, she discussed how the Hub and Spoke model of sustainability works at LyondellBasell, the cross-functional teams that are most important to her work, as well as why having a Director of Sustainability Integration is one of her secrets to success. 

Andrea discussed how the planning and goal-setting process was designed to embed sustainability into the company’s operations right from the beginning of her tenure. By co-creating Belief Statements with the Executive team that anchored future conversations and provided a “direction of travel,” Andrea and her team were able to work closely with the business to identify value, such as from changing customer demands, and translate that into specific sustainability goals. 

To hear more about Andrea’s work building and operating a sustainability team as well as learn about her experience crafting the Scope 3 standards, sign up to listen to the full 30-minute webinar. 

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